Ui vs. Ux – 10 Differences Between Ui and Ux Design

Ui vs. Ux

Ui vs. Ux – 10 Differences Between Ui and Ux Design

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Are you interested in becoming better at UI/UI design?

Well, you’re in the right place!

As a Design Agency Chicago, we understand many needs to help differentiate between User Interface (UI) and User Experience (UX). Even experienced designers sometimes need help explaining the distinctions. That’s why we’ve created this blog post highlighting 10 key differences.

We’ll discuss core concepts, such as visual elements and user needs, while also exploring the commonalities and variations in the execution of UI and UX. Our goal is to provide you with valuable knowledge you can apply immediately!

What Is UI (User Interface) Design?

UI (User Interface) Design refers to designing interfaces in software or computerized devices with which users can interact.

Some key aspects of UI Design include:

  • Generating a visually attractive interface that is easy to navigate.
  • Focusing on the user experience ensures the interface is intuitive and user-friendly.
  • Incorporating design elements that enhance the interface’s functionality, such as buttons, menus, and icons.
  • Optimizing the interface for different devices and platforms ensures consistency across all platforms.

What Is UX (User Experience) Design?

  • UX design is about creating user-centered products that improve satisfaction and usability.
  • This involves designing intuitive interfaces for easy navigation and efficient interaction across digital platforms.
  • UX designers’ emphasis on understanding user requirements and preferences, aiming to address pain points by creating positive experiences.

How UI and UX Have Many Common Elements and Principles

Web development Chicago has grown rapidly, with UI and UX being vital aspects. UI and UX are regularly interchanged, yet they’re distinct in web design. UI focuses on appearance, while UX emphasizes user experience. Still, they share many elements and principles.

  • User research: UI and UX design depend on user research to understand user preferences, behaviors, and goals. It helps create personas, journeys, stories, and scenarios for design guidance.
  • User testing: UI and UX design involves testing to evaluate usability and effectiveness, collecting feedback, identifying problems, and improving based on user input.
  • User feedback: UI and UX design highly value user feedback to measure satisfaction and loyalty. It assesses expectations, emotions, and opinions.

10 Difference Between Ui and Ux Design

Ui Is About the Appearance, Ux Is About the Interaction

When using a website or app, two important aspects are user interface (UI) and user experience (UX). UI includes visual elements (colors, fonts, icons, buttons), while UX involves functional aspects like navigation, feedback, and accessibility. UI emphasizes appearance, while UX focuses on functionality.

UI deals with the Visual Elements, and UX deals with the User’s Needs and Goals

The main goal of UI design is to create an attractive and consistent product that aligns with brand identity and style guidelines. UX design aims to create a user-friendly, enjoyable product that meets user needs and goals.

UI design focuses on visual elements such as layout, colors, fonts, icons, buttons, menus, etc. UX design focuses on user research, testing, feedback, personas, journeys, stories, etc.

Ui Is More Subjective and Artistic, and Ux Is More Objective and Scientific

UI design is subjective and artistic, relying on the designer’s creativity and aesthetic sense to create appealing products. It can vary based on the designer’s preferences.

On the other hand, UX design is objective and scientific, relying on user data and feedback for effective products. Metrics like usability and efficiency can measure it.

Ui Follows the Brand Guidelines and Style, and Ux Follows the User Research and Testing

The UI design follows brand guidelines and style, which consist of rules for the product’s visual identity: logo, colors, fonts, and images. It aims to create a consistent and recognizable product.

The UX design follows user research and testing methods to understand and evaluate user behavior, needs, preferences, and expectations. It creates a product that aligns with user research and testing.

Ui Creates the Interface Layout, and Ux Creates the User Journey

The UI design creates the layout of the product’s interface, determining its appearance and user interaction. It strives for a clear, intuitive, and attractive layout.

The UX design focuses on the user journey, defining the steps needed to achieve goals or complete tasks effectively. It aims for an easy, enjoyable, and satisfying user experience.

Aesthetics and Satisfaction Measure Ui and Ux Are Measured by Usability and Efficiency

Aesthetics and user satisfaction judge the UI design. Aesthetics refers to the beauty and harmony of appearance, while satisfaction pertains to the user’s enjoyment when using the product. UI design aims to create an aesthetically pleasing and satisfying product.

The UX design measures usability and efficiency. Usability refers to how easily the product can be used and learned. Efficiency involves the speed and accuracy of performance. The objective of UX design is to create a usable and efficient product.

Ui Requires Graphic Design Skills, and Ux Requires Problem-Solving Skills

The UI design needs graphic design skills for creating and editing visual elements, while the UX design requires problem-solving skills to address usability issues, user needs, and goals. Both skills create an appealing, consistent, effective, and satisfying product.

Ui Is Consistent Across Different Platforms, and Ux Is Adaptive to Different Contexts

The UI design ensures consistency across web browsers, phones, and tablets. It creates a recognizable product.
The UX design adapts to various contexts like location, time, and mood. It creates a responsive product.

Ui Is Easier to Change and Update, and Ux Is Harder to Modify and Improve

UI design is easier to modify and update compared to UX design. Visual elements like colors, fonts, icons, buttons, etc., can be modified without impacting functionality.

UX design is harder to improve as it involves changing product functionality, navigation, interaction, feedback, accessibility, etc.

Ui and Ux Are Not Mutually Exclusive; They Work Together to Create a Great User Experience

The UI and UX design are not mutually exclusive; they work together to create a great user experience for the product.

The user experience is the overall impression and feeling when using the product. The user experience is affected by the product’s UI and UX design.


UI and UX are important for creating an optimistic user experience. UI focuses on the look and feel, while UX centers around user needs and goals. Both require distinct skill sets. UI requires knowledge of visual elements like color and typography, while UX involves problem-solving and user research.

UI follows UX to create an effective interface. To succeed, stay updated, attend workshops, and explore others’ work. Understanding illustration vs. graphic design (as discussed in another blog) is crucial for building great user experiences.


How to Improve Your Skills as a UI/UX Designer?

UI/UX design is crucial for creating user-friendly interfaces that provide a seamless experience. Here are some steps to enhance your skills as a UI/UX designer:

  • Understand UI/UX design fundamentals: Grasp the principles and workings of UI/UX design. Explore courses, books, and online communities dedicated to UI/UX design to gain knowledge.
  • Stay updated with design trends: Design trends evolve rapidly. Stay innovative by regularly reading design blogs, following industry experts on social media, attending webinars or conferences, and subscribing to design magazines.
  • Prioritize user research: User research is key to improving UI/UX design skills. Invest time in understanding user needs, behavior, and preferences by conducting user research. This will help you create more user-centric interfaces.

How to Learn UI/UX Full Form in 5 Minutes?

  • UI design: Creating visual elements (layout, colors, fonts, icons, buttons, menus, etc.)
  • UX design: Creating functionality and usability (navigation, interaction, feedback, accessibility, etc.)
  • UI and UX design together create a great user experience
  • UI design affects product appearance, UX design affects product functionality
  • Both are important for a successful and satisfying user experience.

Should I start with UI or UX design?

Even though there are some differences between UX and UI, some designers decide UX comes before UI within the design process of a plan. Therefore, following that similar order would only create a sense. When knowing to become a UI or UX designer.

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